Full-Day, Every Day Kindergarten - 650 CKOM Article - Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation
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Full-Day, Every Day Kindergarten – 650 CKOM Article

SPSF’s Full-Day, Every Day Kindergarten program was highlighted by local radio station, 650 CKOM.

The reporter met with Angel Ahenakew and her son, Kenso, who attended Full-Day, Every Day Kindergarten previously. He had once found reading difficult, but now loves being able to read, and this is attributed to his attending Full-Day, Every Day Kindergarten.

Achieving grade level literacy by grade 3 is critical. Students who don’t achieve this benchmark are four times less likely to graduate on time.

Read the article for yourself on the 650 CKOM website: Full-day kindergarten improving reading of Saskatoon kids

You can also learn more about Early Learning Equal Start here or here!