Full-day prekindergarten and kindergarten will be available at five elementary schools for the 2020-21 school year. Programs at King George, Pleasant Hill, Mayfair, Vincent Massey and Howard Coad schools will offer full-day early learning instruction thanks to the financial support of Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation (SPSF) through its Early Learning Equal Start program.
Enrollment in the full-day programs is open only to students whose families live within the immediate neighbourhood of those five schools.
Parents can contact the respective schools for information and details about the registration process for kindergarten and the application required for the prekindergarten program.
The goal of the full-day programs funded by the SPSF is to develop literacy skills among students and set them on the path to achieving grade-level literacy by Grade 3, a key indicator for success in learning. At the prekindergarten level, literacy instruction includes oral language ability, letter sound awareness and pre-reading skills. Prekindergarten is designed to prepare students for kindergarten with a focus on social, emotional, physical (motor development), spiritual, and intellectual aspects.
In kindergarten, students work toward the early stages of reading skill development. The extension to full-day instruction will provide opportunities for students to develop communication and social skills, self-regulation, and enhance physical development.
The financial contribution of the SPSF through the Early Learning Equal Start Campaign goes above and beyond traditional funding to provide students with the additional support needed to reach literacy milestones and the best chance for success in school and in life.
For the 2020-21 school year, the foundation’s financial support will provide for full-day teachers for the prekindergarten and kindergarten classes at all five schools along with supports including educational assistants and speech language pathology.
For information contact:
Howard Coad School: 306-683-7260 or email HowardCoadSchool@spsd.sk.ca
King George School: 306-683-7310 or email KingGeorgeSchool@spsd.sk.ca
Mayfair School: 306-683-7360 or email MayfairSchool@spsd.sk.ca
Pleasant Hill School: 306-683-7390 or email PleasantHillSchool@spsd.sk.ca
Vincent Massey School: 306-683-7480 or email VincentMasseySchool@spsd.sk.ca