ACTIVATE in Estey School- A Power Up Project - Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation
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ACTIVATE in Estey School- A Power Up Project

ACTIVATE at Estey School was given $2000 in funding as a Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation Power Up Project.

Sandra Paulsen, a teacher at Estey, wanted to provide a physical space in the school that would promote student wellbeing. Estey School’s ACTIVATE is an effort to promote wellness through the provision of spaces that offer student wellness activities. All the activities chosen were intended to balance individuals, or to help them ground themselves. Additionally, the activities could create kinship opportunities and build community within the school. Furthermore, some of the activities were also chosen as they supported curricular objectives.

Estey students playing air hockey as part of the ACTIVATE program
Some Estey students crowding around an air hockey and cheering on the students playing the game.

Before school and during lunch proved to be popular times for students to engage in individual activities. The indoor activities helped to build community in the school, as many students would play games with each other. Additionally, students also enjoyed the activities when outdoor games weren’t a safe option, e.g., during the colder winter months or stormy weather.

Students playing crokinole as part of Estey's ACTIVATE program
Estey students playing crokinole while other students watch intently.

Teachers also noted that students chose to play games with each other during breaks between classes. Consequently, students were on their phones less because they were engaged in games and interacted more with their peers in person instead of online because of ACTIVATE at Estey.

Thank you! We would not have been able to purchase any of the games or activities used to enhance our school community without this financial support. Much appreciated 🙂

Teacher at Estey School