Saskatoon Public Schools is holding virtual kindergarten information events during late February and early March. More information can be found HERE and a full list of school information nights is available in PDF format .

Kindergarten is a special time and place in the life of a young child. Saskatoon Public Schools are open to all children and dedicated to embracing every student in a safe and welcoming environment. We understand the importance of early learning and literacy. Our Kindergarten classes are small to encourage individualized education and include a strong literacy component. When it comes to supporting literacy, Saskatoon Public Schools is a leader! We offer French Immersion Kindergarten in nine of our elementary schools.
If your child will be five years old by January 31, 2023, your child can start Kindergarten in September 2022. To choose the right English, French Immersion, Cree language, or Métis cultural Kindergarten for your child, we invite you to contact our schools for more information.
Find our registration form and additional information about registering your child for school here.
Saskatoon Public Schools offers the following Kindergarten options. Please check with the school to confirm program offerings:
- Half-day, every day Kindergarten at: Brevoort Park, Caswell, College Park, Fairhaven, Greystone Heights, Holliston, James L. Alexander, Lakeridge, Lakeview, Lester B. Pearson, Online Learning Centre (English), Prince Philip, Princess Alexandra, Queen Elizabeth, Roland Michener, Saskatoon Misbah, Silverwood Heights, Sutherland, and Westmount schools;
- Full-day, alternating day Kindergarten at: Alvin Buckwold, Brownell, Brunskill, Buena Vista, Caroline Robins, Charles Red Hawk, Chief Whitecap*, Colette Bourgonje, College Park, Dr. John G. Egnatoff, Dundonald, Ernest Lindner*, Forest Grove, Henry Kelsey (French immersion only), Howard Coad, Hugh Cairns V.C., John Lake, King George, Lawson Heights, Montgomery, North Park Wilson, Pleasant Hill, River Heights, Silverspring, Sylvia Fedoruk, Victoria (French immersion only), wâhkôhtowin, Wildwood, Willowgrove, and W.P. Bate schools;
- Full-day, every day Kindergarten classes supported by the Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation’s Early Learning Equal Start program are offered at Caroline Robins, Caswell, Fairhaven, Howard Coad, King George, Lester B. Pearson, Mayfair, North Park Wilson, Pleasant Hill, Princess Alexandra, Sutherland, Vincent Massey, wâhkôhtowin, and W.P. Bate schools. Students who reside within the school catchment area will receive first consideration;
- A full-day, every day Kindergarten class supported by the Métis Nation–Saskatchewan is offered at Westmount Community School;
- French Immersion Kindergarten programs are offered at Alvin Buckwold, Dundonald, College Park, Forest Grove, Henry Kelsey, Lakeview, Online Learning Elementary, River Heights, Silverspring and Victoria;
- Online kindergarten instruction through the school division’s Online Learning Centre;
- Nêhiyâwiwin Cree Language and Culture Kindergarten Program at wâhkôhtowin School; and
- Métis Cultural Program at Westmount Community School.
- Buena Vista School offers a program with an outdoor learning focus.
* Chief Whitecap and Ernest Lindner schools have closed enrollment boundaries. Please contact the school for more information.
To view our Kindergarten brochure, click here.
To help prepare children for Kindergarten, view our Welcome to Kindergarten Activity Book here.