Canpotex provides SPSF long-term financial support for Cheer Crate food costs! - Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation
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Canpotex provides SPSF long-term financial support for Cheer Crate food costs!

SPSF is thrilled to announce Canpotex is committing to $75,000 x 3 years, starting October 1st, 2022, to support the purchase of food items for Cheer Crates. This kind of long-term funding gives SPSF an opportunity to provide sustainable support for students and families. More than 750 families will be provided with food, games, and personal care items through the delivery of Cheer Crates.

The Cheer Crate Campaign was created to support Saskatoon Public Schools’ families in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The need to support families continues and SPSF is committed to students and families during times of extended school breaks. 

In recognition of this significant financial contribution, SPSF is pleased to rebrand the initiative to Canpotex Cheer Crate.

“Schools are the heart of our community and a place where students receive nutrition, education, and emotional support,” said SPSF Executive Director Zeba Ahmad. “We are so grateful to Canpotex for stepping up and recognizing the needs of students and families. Canpotex has a focus on addressing child hunger in our community. Nutrition is a critical component to ensuring students are able to be the best they can be, at school and at home. We could not have asked for a better partner as we continue to invest in our youngest learners.”

“Canpotex helps ensure the world is able to grow the food it needs by exporting potash, an important fertilizer, to over 40 overseas countries worldwide,” says Gord McKenzie, President and CEO, Canpotex. “However, addressing food security right here at home is also a priority for Canpotex which is why we are thrilled to partner with the SPSF on ensuring important programs like the SPSF Cheer Crates can be sustained and children across our city have access to the nutrition they need.”

Cheer Crates are valued at approximately $100 each and include food items such as dairy products, eggs, bread, fruits and vegetables, cereal, and canned goods as well as books, hygiene items, and fun activities for the family. Community school coordinators and staff in Saskatoon Public Schools helped identify families that would benefit from the support provided by Cheer Crates. For the 2022-2023 school year Cheer Crates will be delivered prior to the Thanksgiving long weekend and February school break.