The Cougar Coffee Cart at Vincent Massey School helped students learn everyday skills, strengthen communication skills, and build connections.
Students in the Functional Life Skills (FLS) program at Vincent Massey school learned about running a coffee cart in their school. The project is one of Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation’s (SPSF) Power Up Projects.
Jamie Kent at Vincent Massey school used the $1,500 Power Up Project grant to start the Cougar Coffee Cart. This project was an opportunity for students to learn many authentic skills through the hands-on learning opportunity.
Students in Vincent Massey’s FLS program learned:
- safe food handling and drink preparation knowledge
- stocking the cart
- taking orders in person and over the phone
- marketing technques
- strengthened fine and gross motor skills
- financial literacy skills
- developed numeracy skills
- monitoring and ordering supplies

The Cougar Coffee Cart served many events including the PreK family days, the Winter Concert, the Grade 8 Graduation ceremony, and even an SPSF Board meeting!
Students were able to take pride in themselves and how they contributed to the Vincent Massey school community.
A positive unexpected result of the Power Up Project was that relationships were built and strengthened between the FLS students at Vincent Massey, and the teachers that didn’t work directly with them. Because of the regular interactions between the students and staff, the FLS kids greatly developed their communication skills and got to know more of the adults in their school.
Jamie Kent, teacher at Vincent Massey School“Thank you for supporting this wonderful, hands-on initiative that can thrive in the FLS program and school community for years to come!”